Latin and Punic in Contact? The Case of the Bu Njem Ostraca


Adams J. N.


The ostraca of Bu Njem come from a military outpost on the North African fringes of the Empire. Vernacular languages were spoken in the area. The ostraca record, among other things, contact between soldiers and the local population, and contain various African (Punic or ‘Libyan’) words and names, some of them previously unrecorded. The soldiers themselves have in many cases African names, or names with a special African connection, and it is likely that many were recruited locally. If so they may not have been fluent Latin speakers, and consequently the Latin which they wrote raises unusual questions. Is it Latin at all, or perhaps a pidgin or Creole? Or, on the contrary, is the language merely bureaucratic and formulaic Latin of no great interest? Do we, at last, have some hard evidence for a regional variety of Latin, in this case perhaps influenced by a substratum language or languages?.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Literature and Literary Theory,Archeology,Visual Arts and Performing Arts,History,Archeology,Classics

Reference79 articles.

1. Bu Njem 1967;Rebuffat;Libya Antiqua,1966

2. Les Syriens dans l'Afrique romaine: civils ou militaires?;Le Bohec;Karthago,1987

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