1. ANDERSON, B. W., AND R. D. OHMART. 1977. Clima-tological and physical characteristics affecting popu-lation estimates in southwestern riparian communi-ties using transect counts, p. 193-200. In R. R. Johnsonand J. F. McCormick [eds.], Strategies for protectionand management of floodplain wetlands and otherriparian ecosystems. U.S. For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep.WO-12. Washington, DC.AndersonClimatological and physical characteristics affecting population estimates in southwestern riparian communities using transect counts193Strategies for protection and management of floodplain wetlands and other riparian ecosystems1977
2. ANDERSON, B. W., R. D. OHMART, AND J. DISANO. 1978.Revegetating the riparian floodplain for wildlife, p.318-331. In R. R. Johnson and J. F. McCormick[eds.], Strategies for protection and management offloodplain wetlands and other riparian ecosystems.U.S. For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. WO-12. Washington,DC.AndersonRevegetating the riparian floodplain for wildlife318Strategies for protection and management of floodplain wetlands and other riparian ecosystems1978
3. Avian and Vegetation Community Structure and Their Seasonal Relationships in the Lower Colorado River Valley