Literature and Literary Theory
Reference36 articles.
1. Brogan, Kathleen. “American Stories of Cultural Haunting: Tales of Heirs and Ethnographers.” College English 57.2 (1995): 149-65.
2. Cohen, Richard A. Introduction. Humanism of the Other. By Emmanuel Levinas. Trans. Nidra Poller. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 2003. vii-xliv.
3. Cntchley, Simon. Ethics-Politics-Subjectivity. London: Verso, 1999.
4. Cronin, Jan. “The Theoretical Terrain of the Text: Reading Frame through The Edge of the Alphabet.” Journal of New Zealand Studies 2-3 (2003-2004): 45-64.
5. Derrida, Jacques. “Perhaps or Maybe.” Responsibilities of Deconstruction . Ed. Jonathon Dronsfield and Nick Midgley. Warwick Journal of Philosophy 6 (1997): 1-18.