1. Parham, Life of Parham, 77. Woodworth- Etter also referred to God's, sovereign purposes in explaining her husband's, continuing sickness. “Husband', Ills,” 1.
2. Dowie , “‘I Will,’” 30–31;
3. Dowie, Analyzed and Classified;Buckley;Century Magazine,1902
4. Cook , Zion City, 120–21;
5. Gatewood , ed., Slave and Freeman, 126–27, suggests financial gain motivated at least some of Woodworth-Etter decisions about where to preach. Even after Woodworth-Etter established her tabernacle, she could not resist itinerating. Her last tour was in 1922, when she was nearing eighty years of age. Warner, Woman Evangelist, 270–81. Goff, Fields White, 147–59, examines Parham's, diminishing influence in early Pentecostalism. Cook, Zion City, 56.