Application of Mitscherlich-Bray equation to formulate fertilizer recommendations for sweetpotato in Leyte, Philippines


Asio Luz1,de la Cruz Nenita2


1. Department of Agronomy, College ct Agriculture and Food Sciences, Visayas State University, Baybay City, Leyte Philippines

2. Department of Soil Science, Central Luzon State University, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija Philippines


Until now, no studies have been conducted in the Philippines on the use of the Mitscherlich-Bray equation to formulate NPK fertilizer recommendation for sweetpotato. This study used the Mitscherlich-Bray equation to formulate NPK requirements for sweetpotato. Independent experimental set-ups of N (7 application levels), P (6 levels), and K (9 levels) arranged in RCBD with three replications were simultaneously conducted. Theoretical maximum yield, NPK constants c, and c, NPK fertilizer recommendations for sweetpotato at different soil fertility levels, and optimum fertilizer rates were calculated. Fertilizer recommendations for a common range of soil test values were developed but needed further field verification trials. Theoretical maximum yields determined by the Mitscherlich-Bray equation were 19.05, 12.66, and 14.88t ha-1 for NPK, respectively. The study showed that inherent soil fertility is vital in the development of fertilizer recommendation for sweetpotato not only to increase root yield but likewise to increase overall productivity. It showed that 30, 50, and 60 percent of the maximum possible yield was attributed to the inherent soil N, P, and K, respectively. N, P2O5, and K2O recommendations for sweetpotato were computed based on a common range of soil test values ranging from 50 to 300, 5to 40, and 200 to 700kg ha1 NPK, respectively.


Annals of Tropical Medicine, Visayas State University

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