1. West Ukrainian National University
Today, businesses must change to perform and develop in an extremely complex and changing environment. Organizational changes are the basis of qualitative transformations of the socio-economic system as a whole, its individual elements, or the components of these elements. The article considers the main indicators of innovation activity of enterprises, the dynamics of which reveal their transformational activity. It is noted that risk management should be carried out at all stages of planning and implementation of the project of organizational change. There is proposed the classification of risks according to the components of the assessment of the company's readiness to implement organizational changes, when the need and possibility of their implementation in accordance with the overall development strategy of the economic entity is determined. In the process of assessing the initial readiness for change, the following risks have been identified: experience gained in the past in implementing changes; practices of functioning of the risk management system; identification, analysis and forecasting of external opportunities and threats, internal strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, in respect of which it is necessary to make organizational changes. At the stage of diagnostics of the enterprise, it is expedient to pay special attention to the risk of lack of the necessary quantity of resources of the corresponding quality for carrying out changes. It is proved that at all stages of the process of assessing the company's readiness for change, managers must have the necessary information about not only the situation at the company but also about the risks. Untimely information, its inaccuracy, limitations due to lack of information, its unavailability, or low qualification of personnel involved in its search, processing, and storage, are the causes of information risk, which is present at all stages of the process of assessing the readiness of the company to implement organizational change. It is concluded that the reliability of the results of assessing the readiness of the enterprise to implement changes will be largely determined by the following aspects: understanding the type of risk, determining the causes and sources of its occurrence; risk assessment, which, depending on its type, can be carried out on quantitative or qualitative parameters; management competence, in particular in terms of developing risk mitigation measures. Identification of risks will significantly increase the level of reliability of evaluation results and is a condition for a reasonable choice of effective methods and tools to limit them, which will significantly increase the chances of the company to succeed in the process of implementing organizational change.
Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation
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