
Vesperis Svitlana1,Samus Hanna1,Scherbina Olha1


1. Konotop Institute Sumy State University


The article analyzes the impact of demographic processes on the economic security of Sumy region. The main characteristics of economic security of the region are highlighted. It is noted that the population of the country is a kind of foundation through which all types of national security, including economic, have their practical application. The following demographic characteristics of the population are analyzed, such as birth rate, death rate, sex and age structure, quantity, migration, which determine the available labor potential of the region and significantly affect the formation of economic security in the region. The negative tendency of reduction of the available population of the region is established. The sex composition of the population is insignificantly, but women predominate. The natural increase in the population of the region is a negative indicator, which indicates a decrease in the population of the region. Negative dynamics is characteristic of the marriage rate. Divorce is growing in the region. All this indicates the decline of the institution of the family, which in turn will affect the birth rate. With regard to migration growth (reduction) in general, it should be noted that this indicator is also negative, so the number of arrivals is less than the number of departures. But the exception is interstate migration, which is characterized by positive dynamics for the region. The region is dominated by the working age population, which is positive for economic security. At the same time, the share of people of retirement age is greater than children. In order to solve demographic problems and improve the economic security of the region, measures should be implemented at the regional level (except national ones) to increase the birth rate, support the development of medical institutions to reduce mortality, which will increase natural population growth. Considerable attention should be paid to the development of the production sphere and the sphere of services in order to reduce migration flows from the region and provide available labor resources with jobs, taking into account the gender and age structure. It is necessary to improve the socio-economic living conditions of the population, which will stimulate the migration flow of the population. These events will contribute to the stable and gradual development of the demographic component of economic security of Sumy region.


Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation


General Medicine

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