1. Rivne State University of Humanities
The article analyses the construction of the health care system of Ukraine, the historical preconditions of its current state. The reasons that hinder the development of the industry, one of which is the urgent need for effective management, the development of which is complicated by a number of subjective and objective factors, including gaps in the legal field, insufficient competence of management, and their undesirable development and implementation of new management technologies. Positive changes in government regulations, promising areas of training have been identified. The educational and scientific program “Management in health care” (specialty 073 “Management”) and the requirements for the competence of specialists are also analyzed.
The issue of the need to build and develop a new model of health care, which should correspond to the modern market economy, comprehensive and intensive reform of the health care system, related to the methods of management, financing, reorganization of medical institutions.
In Ukraine, the heads of health care institutions are staffed mainly by doctors who, undoubtedly, have significant experience and high qualification in medical specialization, no longer have special training in management and economics of health care. It becomes obvious that the presence of special education is NOT a priority sign during the appointment to the position of head of a medical institution.
Health care reforms in Ukraine began much later than in other post-Soviet countries, almost two decades after independence.
Transformations in this area, first of all, the acquisition of autonomy by institutions in administrative activities, the ability to raise funds from various sources, etc., necessitate effective management of medical organizations.
The international experience of countries with developed health care systems shows that it is expedient to lead organizations and institutions with specialists in the field of management, economics and health care.
The inconsistency of the training of specialists with the needs of practical health care and the tasks of structural adjustment of this type of economic activity is the main thing that hinders the effective management of health care organizations, as a result of which the quality of medical care deteriorates.
Improving the management of health care organizations in Ukraine will allow you to effectively manage human resources and financial flows, which will result in both economic and social results of the individual, team, organization and the country as a whole.
Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation
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