
Andrieieva Yana1


1. Odessa National University of Economics


The article examines the theoretical aspects of personnel security of banks, summarizes the existing theoretical approaches to defining the essence of personnel security and its role and principles in the management of banking institutions. At the present stage of economic development, personnel security plays a significant role in the system of economic security of the enterprise and the state as a whole. It is the intellectual personnel potential in the conditions of innovative economy that play a special role in the development of the enterprise. The presence of enterprising, creative staff becomes a strategically important resource for the company, and therefore the tasks of personnel security management become especially important. Ensuring the personnel security of banks creates the preconditions both for the productive work of staff and for the effective functioning of the system of economic security of banks, as a guarantee of their stable development. Effective activity of banks in the financial market, their specifics, problems, business processes ‒ all this requires the formation of an effective system of personnel security, especially in the organization of remote work of staff. Modern personnel policy covers areas that were not previously taken into account in personnel work. This is the sphere of labor conflicts and relations with the administration, with new public organizations in the process of solving production problems, the role of social programs implemented by the organization in conditions of growing competition. Threats to the personnel policy of banking institutions are highlighted and the methodology of personnel security in the conditions of remote work of the staff adapted to the transformational conditions of development of banking business processes is developed. To ensure personnel security during remote work, banks need to control the legitimacy of their own users, more effectively detect intrusions by external attackers, through the introduction of new technologies and systems to protect information. Рersonnel security is an element of modern bank management, without the implementation of which it is impossible to ensure the reliability of staff and sustainable development.


Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation


General Medicine

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