1. Zanuda, A.V. (2020), “Land of Ukraine: how much of it, who owns it and who works on it”, available at: https://u.to/RolyGg (accessed 11 November 2020).
2. Geoportal of the administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine (2020), “Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine. State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadaster”, available at: https://atu.gki.com.ua (accessed 11 November 2020).
3. Infographics: the structure of Ukrainian lands and the ratio of chernozems in Ukraine and other European countries (2020), available at: https://u.to/e4lyGg (accessed 11 November 2020).
4. Ukraine is in the top-10 countries in the world by area of arable land (2020), available at: https://u.to/molyGg (accessed 12 November 2020).
5. Pavlov, O.V. (2014), Sil’s’ki terytorii Ukrainy [Rural areas of Ukraine], Astrs, Odesa, Ukraine (in Ukrainian).