1. Adams, Parveen. "what would happen … if one were to stop copying?". In Becky Beasley, Spring Rain, 19-25. Bristol: Spike Island, 2012. Exhibition Catalogue. Spike Island, Bristol.
2. Bachelard, Gaston. "Corners". In The Poetics of Space, translated by Maria Jolas, 136-47. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1969.
3. Beasley, Becky. "Based on Paper: A Conversation (with John Slyce)". In American Letter, 41-47. London: Laura Bartlett Gallery, 2007. Published to accompany the exhibition Becky Beasley: Three Notable American Novellas: Laura Bartlett Gallery, London.
4. Beasley, Becky. Becky Beasley in Conversation with Claire Scanlon, edited by Adam Gibbons and Eva Wilson. Hastings: Nero Books, 2019.
5. Beasley, Becky. "Being Silence: In Conversation with Becky Beasley". IIIIXIII (Four by Three Magazine), Silence Issue (July 2016): n.p. https://christine-jakobson.squarespace.com/issue/silence/becky-beasley-interview