IntroductionThe International Journal of Innovation – IJI, since 2020, opened a section for publications of technological articles. From then on, we have been receiving articles to go through the blind double-review editorial process. Our intention with this editorial comment is to make the academic community, especially authors who consider the IJI for their submissions, have one more document option to assist in the elaboration and structuring of their technological research.In 2021, we published the editorial commentary entitled “What we expect from articles submitted to the IJI” which briefly addressed technology articles (Scafuto et al., 2021). Now, in this new editorial comment, we intend not only to bring the information previously discussed, but we want to deepen the discussions with other important elements to contribute to the development of technological articles.We understand that technological articles are assuming an increasingly important role within the academic community, as it is a way to bring together the challenges of organizations with academic research. It is worth remembering that the technological article is one of the twelve technical and technological products that are proposed and evaluated by CAPES (a Brazilian entity for higher education personnel improvement coordination). They are especially important for professional graduate programs in management and related fields. We, the editors of the IJI, recognize the importance of the contribution of professional programs. The IJI is a vehicle for the dissemination of this production to both members of the academic community and practitioners.In this editorial commentary we provide some suggestions for authors who may be interested in submitting their technological articles for evaluation at the IJI. We want to encourage this type of submission, but always in search of articles with quality and relevance for readers. Guidelines for building relevant technological articlesThe technological article is a form of publication that presents and discusses ideas, methods, techniques, processes, and results focused on solving practical problems (Motta, 2017). The technology article generally describes experiences in organizations. Despite describing these experiences, researchers must follow scientific and methodological rigor in writing (Biancolino et al., 2012). The technological article has an elaboration process similar to any other scientific process. We reinforce this scientific and technological rigor due to the nature of the IJI.In 2022, the editorial commentary of Business Horizons Magazine, by Greg Fisher, presents some interesting ideas in line with our perspective on technological articles (Fisher, 2022). Fisher presents three categories that technological articles generally fall into: past; present and future:Past-oriented articles use academic research already carried out and translate into ideas and practical applications for use, facilitating the understanding of practitioners.Present-oriented articles detail the challenges faced by companies, seeking solutions through the application of existing academic theory. They highlight issues have not solved yet.Future-oriented articles are those focus on emerging phenomena providing practical and forward-looking perspectives on possible business applications. Authors who write a technology article should make clear the problem, contextualizing when, where, why, and how the problem occurs. The idea is to highlight the issue or negative impact that the problem creates, or if it provides any opportunity. When approaching the problem, it should try to present something new. It is desirable provides easy way to use and remember the proposed solutions and the path used to find the solution illustrating how it works.Visual resources such as figures and graphs may facilitate for readers the process of comprehension about the problem. Some prescription on how to use the solution is important for those who may want to use it, as well as discussing what can go right or wrong. Leaving a final message serves as action-focused learning is always desirable (Business Horizons, 2018).Our suggestion is that the authors submit applied research in the technological article section that prioritizes the description of learning and practical results experienced in organizations. The CIMO logic is another way of thinking about the organization in a technological article. CIMO is an acronym for (Van Aken, 2007):Context (problem situation);Intervention (proposed intervention to solve the problem);Mechanisms (description of how handle problem solution);Outcomes (describes objectively the results).Technological articles should emphasize reports of solutions already implemented and obtained results. Even if it is a forward-looking study, it should provide practical and forward-looking perspectives on possible applications for solving business problems. Therefore, it is expected from technological articles submitted to the IJI may offer contributions to knowledge, as an example (Gregor and Hevner, 2013):· Focus on innovation: new solutions to new problems;· Focus on improvement: new solutions to known problems;· Focus on extrapolation: known solutions to new problems.Formatting a Technological Article for the IJIAnother point is about the size of a technological article, we suggest that the submission made by the authors is for articles with at least 6000 (six thousand) words for a more academic approach for the IJI. In addition, authors must follow the format available in the guidelines for the author, contemplating the structured abstract, as well as adopting the structure[1] presented below.Introduction: it aims to briefly present what the technological article is about, and the intervention carried out, making problem situation clear. Informing quickly how the data was collected and interpreted. Literature review: it must be related to the intervention in the organization. The theoretical framework will serve to provide theoretical support to the findings and will contribute to the outcomes discussion. Method of technical production: even being a technical production, the technological article must follow a well-detailed method with a description of the procedures used in the data collection and relevant information about procedures to perform the research such as a direct observation or direct participation of the authors among other examples. Context and problem situation: the authors must present the problem or opportunity, as well as characterize the organization.Types of intervention and mechanisms adopted: the authors must analyze the problem situation and discuss the possible alternatives for its resolution: innovation, improvement, or extrapolation; in addition to describing the activities developed to solve the problem situation.Outcomes and analysis: the authors should bring the most relevant contributions from the outcomes according to the subjects dealt with. It should be raised the relevance to similar cases with lessons learnt derived from the reported experience.Discussions and final considerations: Discussion is also welcome. It is time to confront the results with the researched theory, reinforce the objectives of the research. The authors can comment on the limitations for the research and propose new ideas for future studies of a technical nature that can advance about what was presented. References: it should include at the end all the authors cited in the theoretical framework, according to APA standards found in the IJI guidelines. Final considerationsWe except this editorial comment on technological articles can guide and encourage to submit to the IJI. Our wishes are for the academic community to produce more and better technological articles to solve problems and contribute to the practical community. We are grateful to all authors and readers who consider the IJI for the dissemination of their research, as well as a source of scientifically proven information. [1] Adapted from Biancolino et al. (2012).
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