Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
Reference23 articles.
1. 1) 吉河功(2000):庭園・植栽用語辞典:井上書院,126
2. 2) 岡崎文彬(1959):図説欧米の造園:養賢堂,8-18
3. 3) 針ヶ谷鐘吉(1977):西洋造園変遷史エデンの園から自然公園まで: 誠文堂新光社,134-174
4. 4) Marie Luise Gothein(1979): A history of garden art: translated by Archer-Hind New York: Hacker Art Books,241-273
5. 5) Geoffrey and Susan Jellicoe(1975): The Landscape of Man: London: Thames and Hudson,69-95