Cultivation of oil palm, Elaeis guineensis Jacq. by giving irrigation is a unique practice in the world and is beingfollowed only in India. The palms that were brought for ornamental purpose later paved the way to utilize them assource of vegetable oil. The wide gap between demand and supply in vegetable oil production using the nine annualoilseed crops, the population explosion, the increased consumption of vegetable oil due to increased GDP forcedto grow the crop under Indian conditions to obtain more yield. The role played by various organizations in thedevelopment of oil palm industry is worth mentioning without which it would not have been successful. The roleplayed by AICRP on Palms (ICAR) in raising the demonstration plots to find the feasibility of the crop in differentareas of the country, DAC by appointing three committees to identify the potential areas for cultivation, DBT fortaking up of large scale demonstrations and initiation of mutation breeding using gamma rays irradiation of seedsprouts, UNDP by sanctioning two mega projects on training and seed production and finally the TMOP taking theoverall control of the project and maintain it successfully to achieve the best results are worth mentioning. TheGovernment policies, are however, need to be reviewed at frequent intervals as these are responsible for the setbackthat were observed in different periods. If these are taken care off, the oil palm industry will be a successful venturein the country.
Indian Society of Oilseeds Research
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