An experiment on soybean-safflower cropping systemconsisting offour main treatments for soybean viz., 100%recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF), 50% RDF + 3.5 t/ha safflower residues, 50% RDF + 2.5 t/ha FYM + 3.5 t/hasafflower residues and 5 t FYM/ha + 3.5 t/ha safflower along and five sub plot treatments for safflower viz., 100%RDF, 50% RDF + 6 t FYM/ha, 50% RDF + 3 t/ha soybean residues/ha, 50% RDF + 3 t FYM/ha + 3 t soybeanresidues/ha and 6 t FYM/ha+ 3 t soybean residues/ha was conducted at research farm of AICRP on Safflower,VNMKV, Parbhani during kharif and rabi seasons of 2010-11 to 2013-14. The results showed that application of100% RDF and 50% RDF + 2.5 t FYM/ha + 3.5 t safflower/ha residues to soybean were at par and recordedsignificantly higher safflower equivalent yield, gross monetary returns and net monetary returns than othertreatments. Further, application of 100% NPK was found to have given significantlysafflower equivalent yield, gross monetary returns and net monetary returns besides B:C ratio. Next best treatment was application 50% NPK + 3t/ha FYM + 3t/ha soybean residues to soybean.
Indian Society of Oilseeds Research
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