Effect of integrated phosphorus management on productivity, nutrient uptake, nutrient content and soil properties of summer sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)




A study was carried out to know the impact of integrated phosphorus management on nutrient uptake, contentand soil properties ofsummer sesame during summer, 2018 in Gujarat under irrigated condition with 10 treatments i.e. 25 kg P2O5 /ha (100 % RDF), FYM @ 5 t/ha, VC @ 2 t/ha, 12.5 kg P2O5 /ha (50 % RDF) + PSB @ 5 ml/kg (seed treatment), FYM @ 2.5 t/ha + PSB @ 5 ml/kg (seed treatment), VC @ 1 t/ha + PSB @ 5 ml/kg (seed treatment), 12.5 kg P2O5 /ha (50% RDF) + FYM @ 2.5 t/ha, 12.5 kg P2O5 /ha (50 % RDF) + VC @ 1 t/ha, FYM @ 2.5 t/ha + VC @ 1 t/ha and FYM @ 2.5 t/ha + VC @ 1 t/ha + PSB @ 5 ml/kg (seed treatment) and 4 replications in a RBD. It is found that among ten treatments, application of 12.5 kg P2O5 /ha + VC @ 1 t/ha significantly increased the nutrient uptake and nutrient content of summer sesame compared to other treatments which has shown a positive impact on crop productivity and application of 12.5 kg P2O5 /ha + PSB @ 5 ml/kg has resulted in significantly higher available phosphorus and 12.5 kg P2O5 /ha + FYM @ 2.5 t/ha has lead to highest organic carbon in the soil.


Indian Society of Oilseeds Research

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