Interaksi Antara Negara Dan Desa Adat Dalam Konstruksi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia


Bakarbessy Andress Deny


Indonesia is a unitary state that determines all regions of the country without exception constituting a unity of administrative and legal territory. However, in the territory of Indonesia there are also regions and unity of customary law communities, in this case the traditional village which has special characteristics that are special because it has existed before the formation of the State and has the right of origin in the administration of its government, and is recognized and respected by the State, so that the interaction between the State and customary villages allows conflicts between State law and customary law and traditions in the administration of government. For this reason, an ideal interaction between the State and the traditional village is needed which can create harmony and balance between the Country and the traditional village.


Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura

Reference30 articles.

1. Abu Daud Busroh, 2009, Ilmu Negara, cet keenam, Bumi Aksara, Jakarta

2. Ade Saptomo, 2010, Otonomi dan Kebangkitan Daerah : Sebuah Test Case Dalam Hukum dan Kearifan Lokal, Grasindo, Jakarta

3. Astim Riyanto, 2006, Negara Kesatuan (Konsep, Asas, dan Aktualisasi), Yapemdo, Bandung

4. Ateng Syafrudin dan Suprin Na'a, 2010, Republik Desa - Pergulatan Hukum Tradisional dan Hukum Modern Dalam Desain Otonomi Desa, Alumni, Bandung

5. Bagir Manan, 2004 Menyongsong Fajar Otonomi Daerah, cetakan III, Pusat Studi Hukum Fakultas Hukum UII, Yogyakarta

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