Objectives: In this study we aimed to analyze cytomegalovirus (CMV) deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) results in non-transplant patients.
Patients and methods: Although we do not currently perform bone marrow transplant (BMT), we conducted a retrospective analysis of CMV DNA PCR monitoring (twice-weekly) of 91 hospitalized patients (with 306 peripheral blood) (47 males, 44 females; mean age 62+2.3 year; range, 25 to 85 year). For this purpose, we reviewed CMV DNA PCR records of patients in our clinic.
Results: The results of CMV DNA PCR in 91 non-transplant patients are analyzed retrospectively in this study. CMV DNA PCR test results were positive in 10 patients (a total of 17 peripheral blood) while negative in 81 patients (a total of 289 peripheral blood). We did not begin antiviral therapy in patients with positive CMV DNA PCR results. Because it is incompatible with the patients’ clinical CMV DNA PCR positive CMV infection. None of the 91 patients enrolled in the study are transplant recipients, and they did not receive alemtuzumab treatment. Three of 10 CMV DNA PCR-positive patients had multiple myeloma (MM) with renal failure. One of the MM patients was diabetic. Three patients were diagnosed with acute myeloblastic leukemia and received chemotherapy; two patients were diagnosed with immune thrombocytopenic purpura; one patient was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and one patient received therapy for the diagnosis of aplastic anemia. They were given treatment protocols based on their diagnosis. None of our patients has specific clinical CMV infection clinical findings.
Conclusion: We conclude that close CMV DNA PCR monitoring in non-transplant hematology patients is not cost-effective. Even though it is not recommended for other hematology patients, close monitoring of CMV DNA PCR is still performed in many clinics in Turkey, and we suspect it is still performed in clinics abroad.
Baycinar Tibbi Yayincilik