Hanik Umi,Setianto Budhi,Adriansyah Agus Aan
RW 07 Wonokromo Subdistrict is a densely populated neighborhood characterized by a diverse culture that includes immigrants and permanent residents. Health cadres conduct activities related to measuring the growth and development of babies. This encourages researchers to investigate and describe parental parenting patterns and their implications for child development. This research uses a qualitative approach to describe parental parenting patterns and their impact on children's social-emotional development. Ninety- seven sources of information were consulted to gather relevant data for the study. Data collection involved measuring the age, height, and weight of toddlers. The technique employed for data collection was non-test, utilizing observation and questionnaires. As a data collection technique, observation involves observing patterns of human behavior in specific situations to gain insights into the desired phenomenon. Observation sheets were prepared and developed based on breastfeeding, complementary feeding (MPASI), family behavior, and parenting patterns toward children. Findings from the study revealed that while the informants displayed good knowledge and commitment regarding breastfeeding, not all of them provided colostrum to newborns. Mothers exhibited commendable activities in preparing and feeding food, with supervision during satisfactory meals. All mothers fulfilled their duties of accompanying their children during meals. The study also indicated that mothers played a vital role in maintaining children's health, focusing on body and oral hygiene. Mothers actively participated in establishing habits such as bathing their children regularly (2–3 times a day), using soap, and ensuring regular teeth brushing (2 times a day). Additionally, mothers ensured that children received sufficient rest during both day and night.
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
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