Craftsman and artisans are an important source of employment and economic development spread throughout our country. It is seen that among the craftsman and artisans, there are those who have the first business ownership, as well as those who close their businesses and establish new businesses. Those who own their first business can be the first to establish the business themselves, or they can have their first business experience through takeover, and these are expressed as novice entrepreneurs. Those who have previous business experience and own a business are defined as experienced entrepreneurs. Novice and serial entrepreneurship is one of the subjects on which many studies have been carried out in the international literature recently, but it is seen that there are not enough studies in our country. For this reason, the research is accepted as a research with original value for our country.
In the research, a study was conducted with 555 craftsman and artisans’ business founders located in the city of Kahramanmaraş. With the collected research data, first, the ratio of novices and serial entrepreneurs among craftsman and artisans, located in Kahramanmaraş, was determined. Afterwards, it was investigated whether there was a significant difference between the two groups defined as novice and serial entrepreneurs regarding the following subjects: the business activity year, formation of business establishment idea, business growth ideas, the daily average working time, voluntarily choosing their profession, recommending their profession to others, loving their job, the number of employees. Demographic variables were revealed and research hypotheses were tested with the T test. According to the findings, for tradesmen and craftsmen, it has been observed that there is a significant difference in the average working time with the business activity year in novice and serial entrepreneurs. However, it has been concluded that there is no significant difference in the formation of business establishment idea, business growth ideas, choosing their profession voluntarily, recommending their profession to others, loving their job and the number of employees.
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