Undertreatment of pain and low use of opioids in Latin America


García César Amescua1,Santos Garcia Joao Batista2,Rosario Berenguel Cook María del3,Colimon Frantz4,Flores Cantisani José Alberto5,Guerrero Carlos6,Rocío Guillén Núnez María del7,Hernández Castro John Jairo8,Kraychete Durval Campos9,Lara-Solares Argelia10,Lech Osvandré11,Rico Pazos María Antonieta12,Gallegos Manuel Sempértegui13,Marcondes Lizandra Pattaro14


1. Hospital Ángeles, Tijuana, Mexico

2. Pain & Palliative Care, Federal University of Maranhao, Brazil

3. Totalcare-Oncosalud-Lima, Perú

4. Centro Oncológico de Antioquia, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia

5. Programa Regional de Cuidados Paliativos, Unidad Médica de Alta Especialidad No. 25, IMSS, Monterrey NL, Mexico

6. Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fe, Bogotá. Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

7. Medicina del Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos, Hospital Médica Sur, Mexico City, Mexico

8. Pain Medicine & Palliative Care, Universidad del Rosario – MEDERI, Bogotá, Colombia

9. Federal University of Bahia, Coordinator of the Pain Outpatient Clinic, Brazilian Society for the Study of Pain, Brazil

10. Department of Pain Medicine & Palliative Care, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición ‘Salvador Zubirán’, Mexico City, Mexico

11. Orthopaedic Residency Program, UFFS-HSVP-IOT, Passo Fundo, Brazil

12. Clínica Alemana, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile

13. Pain Clinic, Hospital Metropolitano, Quito, Ecuador

14. Grunenthal Services, Inc., USA


Pain is highly prevalent among the adult Latin American population. However, many patients with moderate to severe pain do not have access to effective pain management with opioids due to limited access to healthcare, overuse of nonopioid analgesics, regulatory barriers and lack of appropriate information about opioids. There is scarce training on use of opioids among physicians and other healthcare providers, which leads to misconceptions, mainly related to a fear of prescribing opioids. Although opioids are safe and effective drugs for the treatment of moderate to severe chronic pain, the use of opioids in Latin American nations is clearly below standards compared with developed countries.


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