1. Marli Azevedo is a Research Microbiologist at the National Center for Toxicological Research, US FDA, in Jefferson (AR, USA). Her work is focused in studying rotavirus mucosal immunity. Her most current work is focused on the molecular epidemiology of coronaviruses.
2. Anastasia Vlasova is a Research Scientist at the Ohio State University in Wooster (USA). Her work is focused in studying rotavirus innate immunity. Her most current research is focused on the impact of micronutrients, probiotics and maternal factors on the development of neonatal immunity and protection against enteric infections.
3. Linda Saif is a Distinguished University Professor (Ohio State University) and a member of the US National Academy of Sciences. Her research focuses on enteric and respiratory viral infections (coronaviruses, rotaviruses and caliciviruses) of food animals and humans, zoonoses, mucosal and neonatal immunity and vaccine development.