1. Kristine B Zitelli is a resident at Kettering Medical Center in Dayton, OH, USA. She completed medical school at Wright State University as well as clinical research at the Psoriasis Treatment Center, University of California at San Francisco. She will start dermatology training at the University of Cincinnati in 2012. She has authored over 25 manuscripts in areas such as psoriasis and psoriasis therapy, Goeckerman therapy, psychodermatology, dermatotoxicology, medical education and consumer empowerment...
2. Ali Alikhan is a resident in the Department of Dermatology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester (MN, USA). He completed medical school at the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine and the University of California at Davis School of Medicine, as well as a research fellowship at the National Institutes of Health. He has authored over 50 peer-reviewed articles and over 20 book chapters in various areas of dermatology, including hidradenitis suppurativa, psoriasis, vitiligo, medical education,...