1. Jeffrey M Vinocur is a pediatric cardiologist and electrophysiologist based in Rochester (NY, USA). His appointments include Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, University of Rochester Medical Center (NY, USA), and Director, Pediatric Electrophysiology Program, University of Rochester Medical Center Golisano Children’s Hospital (NY, USA). He completed medical school at the University of Pennsylvania (USA) and clinical training at the University of Connecticut (USA), University of Minnesota (USA), and most...
2. Elizabeth A Stephenson is Associate Professor at the University of Toronto (ON, Canada), and a staff cardiologist and electrophysiologist at the Hospital for Sick Children, where she is Project Investigator at the Research Institute, and a member of the heart function team. She holds a BA from Mount Holyoke College (MA, USA), with a degree with honor in biology and a degree with high honor in philosophy. She received her MD from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons (NY, USA) and her MSc...