1. Allen, David, “‘An Institution Quite Misunderstood’: Chivalry and Sentimentalism in the Late Scottish Enlightenment”, in Katie Stevenson and Barbara Gribling (eds), Chivalry and the Medieval Past, Woodbridge 2021, 13–34.
2. Barlow, Paul, “Facing the Past and Present: The National Portrait Gallery and the Search for ‘Authentic’ Portraiture”, in Joanna Woodall (ed.), Portraiture: Facing the Subject, Manchester / New York 1997, 219–238.
3. Board of Manufactures Special Meeting. Board minutes of 17 July 1884, National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh, NG7/6/1/5. (“Board of Manufactures” July 1884)
4. Board of Manufactures, Scottish National Portrait Gallery. Report by Plans Committee, November 1884, National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh, NG 7/1/13. (“Board of Manufactures” November 1884)
5. Bradley, Simon, “The Englishness of Gothic. Theories and Interpretations from William Gilpin to J. H. Parker”, in Architectural History, 45 (2002), 325–346.