New approaches to the question of training for the system of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled


Loginova Ekaterina T.,Matveeva Marina V.


The article reveals the issues of personnel training for the formation of a system of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled / disabled children, early assistance to children and their parents, accompanied living, social and vocational rehabilitation, psychological rehabilitation, technical means of rehabilitation of disabled people. The purpose and main task of our research is to study the issues of personnel training from the standpoint of regulatory, scientific, methodological and practice-oriented support. The presented materials are relevant and significant at the present time. In the light of the modernization of federal and regional legislative acts, the need to provide quality assistance to persons with disabilities is increasing, which in turn requires the training of highly qualified personnel. The materials of the article use statistical data on the needs of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the preparation of their leaders and leading specialists for the implementation of these types of activities. The study analyzes the need for training personnel for the education system, health care, and social protection. The value of the materials presented will make it possible to develop new technologies and approaches to the personnel training system. The areas of work given in the article are of great practical value and indicate that the technologies offered by Saint-Petersburg Postgraduate Institute of Medical experts, employees are effective and can be multiplied on the territory of the Russian Federation. In the process of further research, it is planned to develop professional standards for specialists in the education system, health care and social protection in the field of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people / disabled children, early assistance to children and their parents, accompanied by living, social and vocational rehabilitation, psychological rehabilitation, technical means of rehabilitation disabled people.


Nizhnevartovsk State University


General Medicine

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1. Professional Language Competencies of Complex Rehabilitation Specialists in the System of Additional Professional Education;Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Humanities and Social Sciences;2023-07-04







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