Features of the content of teaching test tasks in mathematics for students of secondary vocational education institutions


Khudzhina Marina V.ORCID,Gorlova Svetlana N.ORCID,Batalkina Anastasya G.ORCID


The paper discusses the possibilities of using educational mathematical content in the implementation of educational testing. Distance learning requires a significant revision of educational content. This research is based on the analysis of the accumulated experience in the implementation of training testing. An analysis was carried out in the field of improving educational content and the main directions were determined. Variants of designing the content of test tasks for students of secondary vocational education institutions are proposed, taking into account the specifics of educational activities in the specialty 15.02.07 Automation of technological processes and production (by industry). A new methodological approach to the development and testing process is proposed. The test tasks and their sequence, designed adequately to the logical structure of the educational material, contribute to the formation of systemic knowledge and ways of working with them. It is advisable to include in the content of test materials tasks that focus on building logical conclusions. These techniques and tests are carried out at the Nizhnevartovsk Oil College.


Nizhnevartovsk State University


General Medicine

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