Common Glow-Worm <i>Lampyris noctiluca</i> (Coleoptera, Lampyridae) in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra


Emtsev Alexander A.ORCID,Bernikov Kirill A.ORCID,Nakonechnyi Nikolai V.ORCID


The distribution of common glow-worm Lampyris noctiluca (Linnaeus, 1767) in Western Siberia is not thoroughly studied. The report presents the data on findings of this species in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Ugra. All registrations of beetles known to us were made in the western part of the okrug (Sovetskiy and Kondinskiy districts) in Malaya Sosva Nature Reserve in the area of the city of Sovetskiy, the villages of Yagodnyy, Listvenichnyy, Mezhdurechenskiy (survey data) and Staryy Katysh. Most likely, the outermost part of the area of common glow-worm with the northern border near Malaya Sosva Nature Reserve is located in the denoted region. The explored species absent on the significant area to the east probably due to the severe bogging of the region in this part. To the north, in addition to the biotopic component, other unfavorable environmental factors may have a limiting effect: weather elements and illumination. Limitative influence of human economic activity is not excluded in the habitats of insects. As a rare, not thoroughly explored and sporadically distributed species, common glow-worm can be included in the regional Red Data Book.


Nizhnevartovsk State University


General Medicine

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