Methodological approaches to creating conditions for successful professional growth of teachers of a general education organization


Ibragimova Liliya A.ORCID,Sabitova Elena O.


The article devoted to the actual problem of professional development of teachers of a general education organization presents a meaningful analysis of methodological approaches to creating conditions for successful professional growth of teachers of a general education organization. The approaches to the formation and development of human resources as one of the conditions contributing to the construction of an individual trajectory of successful professional growth of a school teacher are considered. The technology of team interaction of subjects of the intra-school system is disclosed. The conditions for the formation of the personnel potential of an educational organization are described. The most important task of the modern education system is the development of teaching staff. The leadership of an educational organization should be aimed at providing opportunities for professional growth and development. The choice depends on the learning objectives. Particular attention is paid to the conditions for the formation of human resources. The authors give a generalized description of these conditions. The effectiveness of the formation of personnel potential is influenced by personality. The authors propose to consider the personnel potential of an educational organization as a qualitative characteristic of the teaching staff.


Nizhnevartovsk State University


General Medicine

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