Ambivalence of Zoomorphic Metaphor in the Mirror of Expressive-Evaluative and Emotional-Evaluative Connotations


Gorshunov Yuri V.1ORCID,Gorshunova Elizaveta Yu.2ORCID


1. Ufa University of Science and Technology (Birsk Branch)

2. Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation


The article examines such a quality of zoomorphic metaphor (zoometaphor) as its ambivalence understood as the ability to express antagonistic concepts due to the ambivalence of our feelings and emotions. The research field includes animalistic, ornithological, ichthyological and herpetological metaphors based on animal, bird, fish, reptile images. In the context of ambivalence, the use of zoometaphors is considered as a means of discrediting, humiliation and dehumanization, when their use is aimed at undermining authority, image and trust, at belittling merits and creating a negative image by attributing animal qualities and instincts to a person, as well as in the opposite plane, when the use of metaphors and affectionate designations is due to the motive and intention to express a positive attitude and give a positive assessment to a person as a manifestation of love, tenderness, affection, sympathy, slight irony or condescension. The expressive-evaluative and emotional-evaluative aspects of zoometaphor are touched upon. Research methods are determined by the purpose and objectives of the study. The main method is descriptive, implemented in methods of systematization, generalization and interpretation of linguistic material. Linguistic methods include contextual analysis and semantic interpretation method. The main provisions, conclusions and materials of the article can be used in solving problems of intercultural communication, in teaching English, since zoometaphors contain and render valuable cultural information and are endowed with rich didactic potential; knowledge of metaphorical zoomorphic expressions of the language being studied enables one to better understand the mentality of native speakers, their culture and national picture of the world.


Nizhnevartovsk State University

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