Cognitive Modelling of Fictional Text


Ashurova Dilyaram U.1ORCID


1. Uzbek State University of World Languages


The article is concerned with the problem of cognitive modeling forming the basis of fictional text interpretation. The novelty of the research is conditioned by a) the topicality of the interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of linguistic phenomena; b) the necessity of in-depth study of the problem of fictional text perception and interpretation; c) the insufficient development of the problem of cognitive text interpretation. The article is aimed to define the process of cognitive modeling and develop the algorithm of its implementation. The research is done on the material of the English language. The main methods are conceptual analysis and cognitive modeling at the certain stages of which stylistic and propositional analysis are used. As a result of the research the conclusions about a) the specificity of literary concepts and the conceptosphere of a fictional text; b) the typology of literary concepts according to the criteria of conceptual significance, linguistic representations and reference correlations; c) the expediency of applying the method of cognitive modeling to text interpretation. literary concept having common cognitive mechanisms with other types of concepts, nevertheless is characterized by its own specific features: a) relativeness with the conceptual information of the fictional text; b) the reflection of stylistic categories: c) axiological significance; d) the dynamic status; d) contextual determinism. According to the developed criteria for typology literary concepts are classified into three groups: 1) mega-, macro-, miniconcepts; 2) explicit (lexical, phraseological, syntactical, etc.) and implicit; 3) thematic literary linguoconcepts are subdivided into concrete and abstract. The linguistic representations of literary linguoconcepts are specified by a frequent usage of stylistic means, actualizing the most significant for fiction imagery, emotive and axiological components of the concept. A multi-step procedure of fictional text cognitive modeling including a certain sequence of the interpreter’s actions aimed at conceptualization and interpretation of the information about the author’s imaginary world and individual world picture has been developed.


Nizhnevartovsk State University

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