Радиомика - инновационный метод визуализации в медицине. Перспективы применения при заболеваниях челюстно-лицевой области. Обзор литературы / Radiomix is an innovative imaging technique in medicine. Prospects for use in diseases of the maxillofacial region. Literature review


Lysenko A.1,Yaremenko Andrei1,Baranov S.1


1. Acad. Scientific Research Institute named after I.P. Pavlov, Ministry of Health of the Russia


Radiomics is an innovative method of diagnosing pathological conditions of various origins, based on the work of machine learning, mathematical modeling and radiology. The purpose of this research is to review the domestic and foreign literature and identify the main directions of head and neck disease research in which radiomic analysis is used. Materials and methods: During this study, literature sources from PubMed, Elsevier databases were analyzed. The search range is 2018-2022. Results: Works describing the use of radiomics for the diagnosis of dental profile diseases are also analyzed. Conclusions. Currently, radiomics is widely used to diagnose a whole range of diseases of the head and neck, which is confirmed by an increasing number of scientific publications every year, most often devoted to clinical cases in which radiomic analysis was used. non-invasiveness, sufficiently high accuracy, today there is no unified protocol for radiological analysis. Thus, it is important for researchers to develop new standards and commonly accepted protocols that will enable replication and comparison of existing studies with other similar radiometric work


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