1. Yerevan State Medical University. M. Heratsi, Yerevan, Armenia
2. Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi, Yerevan, Armenia
Gingival fibromatosis is the uncontrolled growth of fibrous tissue in the gum and periodontal area. It can be hereditary or acquired, and is progressive in nature. Gingival fibromatosis can partially or completely cover the teeth, causing significant aesthetic, phonetic and chewing disorders requiring surgical correction.
The main symptoms of the pathology: partial or complete overgrowth of crowns in the area of fibromatosis; smooth rounded edge of growths; increased density of hypertrophied tissues; an even pink tint of the gums and no bleeding. The intensity of symptoms determines the stage of the disease. The difference is that if in a focal form only a single lesion is formed, then in a generalized form several pathological areas merge with each other. Without treatment, tissue proliferation will inevitably lead to the development of concomitant pathologies with the formation of periodontal pockets, bone atrophy, loss of healthy teeth and impaired chewing function.
In this case report we discuss the case of a 33-year-old woman who presented with gingival overgrowth (gingival fibromatosis). The diagnosis was based on clinical, radiological and pathohistological studies. For this case, an external gingivotomy was performed under local anesthesia on the mandible. Healing took place under a special self-adhesive membrane (Diplen Denta S (with solcoseryl), the patient was satisfied. The patient was warned about a possible relapse and also instructed on hygiene measures.