The Influence of Giving Probiotic with Different Periodicon Decreasing of Ammonia And Total Organic Matter in White Shrimp Culture Media (Litopenaeus Vannamei)


Chrisnawati Vega,Rahardja Boedi Setya,Satyantini Woro Hastuti


Water quality is a major factor in shrimp culture so maintenance that water quality system is the key factor of success of white shrimp culture. This research was conducted to determine the commercial probiotic on white shrimp (L. vannamei) culture media to decrease ammonia content and TOM. Research method used experimental testwithdifferent type of probiotic and giving periodic which are P0 (without probiotic). Probiotic A; P1 (3 days), P2 (5 days) and P3 (7 days). Probiotic B; P4 (3 days), P5 (5 days) and P6 (7 days). Probiotic C; P7 (3 days), P8 (5 days) and P9 (7 days).The results showed that probiotic bacteria influence the content of ammonia and total organic matter culture media of white shrimp. The lowest ammonia obtained in P4 (Probiotic B 3 days) is 0.05 mg/L and TOM is 53,72 mg/L in last week.The highest ammoniaand TOM in P0 (Control). All treatments with addition of probiotic give lowers ammonia in culture media. Survival Rate (SR) in P4 give significantly different results (P <0.05) to P0. Other water quality parameters measured during maintenance among other 27-30oC temperature, pH 7.0 to 7.9, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) from 3.1 to 7.6 mg/l and 15-19 ppt salinity.


Universitas Airlangga

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