ABSTRAKPenelitian bertujuan untuk menilai ada tidaknya pengaruh ukuran perusahaan, pertumbuhan kontribusi, hasil investasi, dan likuiditas terhadap solvabilitas yang diproksikan dengan Risk Based Capital pada Asuransi Jiwa Syariah di Indonesia secara parsial ataupun simultan. Penentuan sampel dengan metode purposive sampling dan ditemukan 10 perusahaan sampel. Dengan bantuan aplikasi Eviews9 melalui uji regresi data panel didapatkan persamaan RBC = -563.8638 + 44.05145 Ukuran + 1.922926 Kontribusi - 0.333289 Investasi + 0.911149 Likuiditas + e. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keempat variabel bersama-sama memengaruhi solvabilitas. Ukuran perusahaan memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan sementara itu pertumbuhan kontribusi, hasil investasi, dan likuiditas menunjukkan tidak adanya pengaruh terhadap solvabilitas Asuransi Jiwa Syariah di Indonesia periode 2015-2019.Kata Kunci: Ukuran Perusahaan, Pertumbuhan Kontribusi, Hasil Investasi, Likuiditas, Solvabilitas, Asuransi Jiwa Syariah. ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study isto determine whether there is an effect of company size, premium growth, investment returns, and liquidity on solvency as proxied by Risk Based Capital on sharia life insurance in Indonesia partially or simultaneously. Determination of the sample by purposive sampling method found 10 sample companies. With the help of Eviews9 application through the panel data regression test, it is obtained the equation RBC = -563.8638 + 44.05145 Size + 1.922926 Contribution - 0.333289 Investment + 0.911149 Liquidity + e. The results showed that the four variables together affect solvency. Company size has a significant positive effect meanwhile the premium growth, investment returns, and liquidity shows no influence on the solvency of sharia life insurance in Indonesia period 2015-2019.Keywords: Company Size, Premium Growth, Investment Return, Liquidity, Solvency, Sharia Life Insurance.
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