
Prayogo Muhammad AgungORCID,Hapsari Meri IndriORCID


ABSTRAKEra digitalisasi menjadikan masyarakat mudah untuk melakukan apapun, dimanapun, dan kapanpun termasuk mendapatkan hiburan melalui platform layanan “Video on Demand”. Dalam upaya peningkatan jumlah pengguna berlangganan dalam pasar legal, pelaku penyedia layanan VoD dapat mengoptimalkan peluang pasar yang belum tersentuh yaitu menyediakan konten khusus Muslim berupa tayangan Islami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi niat konsumen Muslim berlangganan platform VoD guna menikmati tayangan Islami yang tersedia. Kuesioner penelitian disebarkan secara online yang terdiri dari item pengukuran untuk religiusitas (RO), persepsi kualitas konten (PCQ), persepsi kegunaan (PU), persepsi biaya (PC), dan niat berlangganan (ITP). Sebanyak 221 orang mengumpulkan respon dan semuanya sesuai dengan kriteria yang ditentukan. Metode analisis PLS-SEM digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang telah terkumpul. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa RO, PU, PC berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Intention to Pay (Subscribe) konsumen Muslim terhadap tayangan Islami yang tersedia di layanan VoD. Sementara itu, PCQ berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan. Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan gambaran baru mengenai potensi pasar religius di industri media dan hiburan yang masih belum tersentuh. Lebih dari itu, peneliti mengharapkan adanya sinergi dalam penciptaan industri media dan hiburan halal sebagai langkah pengembangan ekosistem halal di Indonesia dan menjadikan Indonesia sebagai pusat Ekonomi Islam di dunia.Kata Kunci: Tayangan Islami, Video on Demand, Religiusitas, Intention to Pay. ABSTRACTThe digitalization era makes people easy to do anything, wherever, whenever including to find entertainment via ”Video on Demand” platforms. In an effort to increase the number of subscribed users in the legal market, vod service providers can optimize the previously untouched market opportunities of providing Muslim special content with Islamic content. The aim of this study is to identify factors affecting Muslim consumers' intent to subscribe to the vod platform to enjoy the available Islamic content. The research questionnaires were spread out online in which there were measuring items to identify religiosity (RO), perceived content quality (PCQ), perceived usefulness (PU), perceived cost (PC), and intention to pay/subscribe (ITP). As many as 221 people have gathered their responses and are all in accordance with the stated criteria. The data collected is analyzed using SEM-PLS. This research finds that religiosity (RO), perceived usefulness (PU), and perceived cost (PC) have a significant positive effect on intention to pay/subscribe (ITP). Meanwhile, perceptions of quality content (PCQ) have a positive effect are insignificant. This research is expected to provide a new picture of the untapped potential of the religious market in the media and entertainment industry. Moreover, the researcher hopes that there will be a synergy in the creation of the halal media and entertainment industry as a step in developing the halal ecosystem in Indonesia and making Indonesia the center of the Islamic economy in the world.Keywords: Islamic content, Video on Demand, Religiosty, Intention to Pay.


Universitas Airlangga

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