Analisis Faktor yang Memengaruhi Kepatuhan Perilaku Pencegahan Penularan dan Kepatuhan Minum Obat pada Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru Berbasis Teori Health Belief Model


Juliati Liliek,Makhfudli Makhfudli,Wahyudi Andri Setiya


Introduction: TB transmission and failure in treatment can have an impact on the difficult eradication of pulmonary TB disease and aggravate the burden on the government and prone to spread in the community. This study aims to analyze the factors that play a role in adherence to prevention of transmission and treatment in pulmonary TB patients with a health believe model approach.Method: The research method used in this study was cross sectional with 120 respondents undergoing treatment in intensive and advanced phases. The statistical test used in this study is a multivariate test namely logistic regression.Result: The results found in this study are factors related to prevention of transmission prevention are age (0.042; OR = 4.372), perception of vulnerability (0.045; OR = 0.289), treatment compliance is socioeconomic (0.006), perception of seriousness (0.024; OR = 0.109), perception of vulnerability (0.009; OR = 0.773), education (0.034; OR = 4,674).Conclusion: Age and education are the dominant factors in the (HBM) model related to prevention of transmission and treatment in pulmonary TB. Educational media is needed in an effort to increase knowledge of pulmonary TB prevention and treatment.


Universitas Airlangga


General Medicine

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