Mesang Williams,Budi Agus Santoso,Hutagalung Magda
Abstract: Complex syndactyly in Apert syndrome, especially complicated with synonychia and synostosis, is a surgical challenge. The incidence of Apert Syndrome is reported to be approximately 1 per 100.000 to 160.000 live births and its incidence in Indonesia is not yet known. It is practically symmetrical causing significant dysfunction and infection if not treated properly. The goals in the treatment are separation of independent digits without disturbing function and growth, creation of a lined commissure, provision of skin cover for the denuded nail edge and exposed bone, and to create aesthetically pleasing individual fingertips with proper nails, nail folds and adequate pulp fullness. Many variations of surgical release of the first web space and of the remaining syndactyly have been described. Various approaches to the bony deformity of the thumb have also been described. All previously described techniques advocate releasing a single side of a digit at any given surgery to maintain the vascularity of that digit. This is due to the unreliability of the vascular branching pattern to the digits. In this serial case, we reported 5 cases of Apert syndrome. We described the clinical findings, incision design, immediate and post-surgery follow ups. The results were uneventful, with satisfying function and aesthetic appearance.
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