Analysis The Level Of PM2,5 And Lung Function Of Organic Fertilizer Industry Workers In Nganjuk


Azizah Imfatul Tria Nur


Organic fertilizer industry in Nganjuk uses manure as basic materials of production. Its process produced particulate matter 2,5 (PM2,5) in the form of dust and smoke. PM2,5 can be inhaled and be retained until alveoli, so it is potentially caused lung function impairment to the workers. The objective of this research was to analyzed the level of PM2,5 and lung function of organic fertilizer industry workers in Nganjuk. The type of this research was observasional descriptive quantitative with cross sectional design. The research sample was using total population of 10 production workers. The result of this research showed that the level of PM2,5 inhaled which exceeded Threshold Limit Value (TLV) or > 3 mg/m3 were on 2 workers who worked on drying and packing process. The average of PM2,5  environment level which exceeded TLV were on manufacturing of granuls, heating and packing process area. Workers who had lung function impairment were 4 workers (40%). Lung function impairment more likely found in workers with exposure of PM2,5 inhaled≤ 3 mg/m3, has age 41 – 60 years, worked period < 5 years, always using cloth as respiratory protective equipment, and had worked in the other places either direct or indirect exposure of dust. The conclusion of this research is production workers of organic fertilizer industry in Nganjuk has risk of lung function impairment. Suggestions for the owner of organic fertilizer industry in Nganjuk are to install natural and unnatural ventilations and to provide air purifying respirators.


Universitas Airlangga

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