Systematic Review: Information Exposure on Family Planning Associated with Contraceptive Use


Amin KholidilORCID,Hadisiwi Purwanti,Suminar Jenny Ratna


Background: The use of contraceptive methods by couples of childbearing age can beinfluenced by the information received on Family Planning (FP). FP information can bereceived or accessed from various sources or channels such as electronic and printed massmedia, promotional media (posters and leaflets), social media, and even face-to-facecommunication with certain parties who understand FP. Several studies have discussed it.Objective: Using a Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis, this study seeks topresent logical evidence from the published literature regarding the relationship andeffect of information exposure about FP on contraceptive use. Method: Literaturesearches were performed on the Scopus indexing engine and the PubMed database usingseveral keywords such as “FP message”, “FP communications”, and “media exposure andFP”. Studies should have specified criteria, such as they were published between January2015 and December 2020, and the research locations were either in Indonesia or abroad.Results: The search results found 742 studies, and 22 studies were selected. Based on thereview process, the relationship and effect of exposure to FP information oncontraceptive use could be mapped through communication channels in general, namelymass media exposure about FP information, and specific communication channels, namelyexposure to FP information through television, radio, print media, digital communication,and face-to-face communication. Conclusion: The use of contraceptive methods, bothmodern and non-modern, was strongly influenced by FP information received by couplesof childbearing age; however, some information channels proved insignificant. Therefore,further researchers can follow up on several recommendations based on this result.Various communication channels in delivering FP messages or information remain adetermining factor that must be considered by further researchers, given the rapiddevelopment of media such as online media.


Universitas Airlangga


General Medicine

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