Fifty percent of food restriction during gestation reduced the dendritic density of cerebrum and cerebellum of Rattus norvegicus newborn


Fauzi Anwar,Widjiati Widjiati,Joewono Hermanto T


Objectives: To analyze the influence of 50 percent food  restriction during pregnancy to the dendritic density of cerebellum and cerebellum of newborn Rattus norvegicus.Materials and Methods: Laboratory experimental study with single blind randomized post-test only control group design using animal model; pregnant Rattus norvegicus as treatment models. Subjects were divided into two groups: control group and treatment group which was exposed to 50% food restriction (FR 50%). At day 21, both group sacrificed and the cerebrum and cerebelum of the offsprings were prepared and stained with silver impregnation. We used parametric independent t-test in analyzing dendritic density.Results: In the cerebrum there was a significant difference in dendritic density between control (4.98+2.17) and treatment (2.69+0.76) groups with p=0.001 (p<0.05). In the cerebellum there was ALSO a significant difference in dendritic density between control (7.37+2.23) and treatment groups (3.01+0.64) with p=0.000 (p<0.05).Conclusions: The dendritic density of cerebrum and cerebellum of newborn Rattus norvegicusexposed to 50 percent of food restriction during pregnancy  were lower than control. 


Universitas Airlangga


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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