Pertiwi Elok Sukma,Harijani Nenny,Hamid Iwan Sahrial,Lokapirnasari Widya Paramita
Background: Caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) is a chronic infectious bacterial disease of sheep and goats caused by corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Purpose: To determine the percentage of cases and procedures for treating Caseous lymphadenitis in Boer goats in Edufarm Kambing Burja. Methods: Data obtained from observations of 120 Boer goats and interviews with livestock owners. The data obtained were analyzed according to the reference literature. Result: The percentage of Caseous lymphadenitis in Boer goats was 8.33%. Conclusion: Procedure for handling and controlling Caseous lymphadenitis in Boer goats using abscess drainage procedures and vaccination.
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