Hayaty Mardhiya,Adi Sumarni,Hartanto Anggit Dwi
Background: Hate speech is an expression to someone or a group of people that contain feelings of hate and/or anger at people or groups. On social media users are free to express themselves by writing harsh words and share them with a group of people so that it triggers separations and conflicts between groups. Currently, research has been conducted by several experts to detect hate speech in social media namely machine learning-based and lexicon-based, but the machine learning approach has a weakness namely the manual labelling process by an annotator in separating positive, negative or neutral opinions takes time long and tiringObjective: This study aims to produce a dictionary containing abusive words from local languages in Indonesia. Lexicon-base is very dependent on the language contained in dictionary words. Indonesia has thousands of tribes with 2500 local languages, and 80% of the population of Indonesia use local languages in communication, with the result that a significant challenge to detect hate speech of social media.Methods: Abusive words surveys are conducted by using proportionate stratified random sampling techniques in 4 major tribes on the island of Java, namely Betawi, Sundanese, Javanese, MadureseResults: The experimental results produce 250 abusive words dictionary from 4 major Indonesian tribes to detect hate speech in Indonesian social media by using the lexicon-based approach. Conclusion: A stratified random sampling technique has been conducted in 4 major Indonesian tribes to produce 250 abusive words for hate speech detection using the lexicon-based approach.
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