Ramesh Sanjay,Henderson Anthony
Information systems designs are increasingly concerned with entity relationships and technical programmatic approaches to solutions architecture as opposed to semantic based, business focused information architecture that places business definitions at the centre of the information system design and implementation. The disconnect between information technology and business is perpetuated by an overly prescriptive information technology technical design method that fails to incorporate qualitative and normative aspects of business, where information is structured and delivered according to business. The paper will discuss various decision support and semantic approaches to information design and delivery and argue that the traditional modes of solution delivery do not include meaning making of the data elements which are essential to business information reporting and analytics. The meaning making aspect identified is linked to data dictionary or business data glossary that allows for the discovery of semantic meaning from the SQL Server. Using Christian Fürber’s methodology on semantic programming, the analytics team developed a semantic model that enabled detailed definition of fields and the discovery of information using semantic search functionality embedded in the SQL Server. The project provided semantic data framework that provided business with the capability for semantic reconciliation and data sets that were further integrated with Tableau visualization and SQL auto processes.
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