Pengaruh Model Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok Sosialisasi (TAKS) terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Verbal dan Non Verbal Pada Klien Menarik Diri di Rumah sakit Jiwa


Keliat Budi Anna,Panjaitan Ria Utami,Mustikasari Mustikasari,C.D. Novy Helena


Penelitian ini ertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi aktivitas kelompok: sosialisasi (TAKS) khususnya terhadap emampuan komunikasi verbal dan non verbal pada klien menari diri. Sampel terdiri dari 36 orang klien menarik diri di RSJP Jakarta dan 76 orang di RSJP Bogor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bila dibandingkan dengan standar kemampuan yang diharapkan yaitu 75%, maka kemampuan kelompok intervensi melebihi standar sedang kelompok non intervensi kurang dari standar tersebut. Perbandingan kenaikan kemampuan komunikasi antarakelompok intervensi TAKS dan non TAKS berbeda bermaksa dengan p = 0,0001. The purpose of the research was to examine the influence of activity group therapy: socialization, particularly on the ability of verbal and non-verbal communication, to withdrawal clients. This study involved 36 withdrawal clients from RSJP Jakarta and 76 withdrawal clients from RSJP Bogor. Findings from this study revealed that compare to the standard of ability (75%), the ability of intervention group was higher than standard whilst the non-intervention group was less than standard. The achievement of communication skill’s between the intervention and non-intervention group was significantly different with p = 0,0001.


Universitas Indonesia, Directorate of Research and Public Service

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