A new proof of the Gasca - Maeztu conjecture for n = 5


Vardanyan G.1


1. Yerevan State University


An n-correct node set X is called GCn set if the fundamental polynomial of each node is a product of n linear factors. In 1982 Gasca and Maeztu conjectured that for every GCn set there is a line passing through n + 1 of its nodes. So far, this conjecture has been confirmed only for n ≤ 5. The case n = 4, was first proved by J. R. Busch [3]. Several other proofs have been published since then. For the case n = 5 there is only one proof by H. Hakopian, K. Jetter and G. Zimmermann (Numer Math 127:685–713, 2014). Here we give a second proof, which largely follows the first one but is much shorter and simpler.


National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia

Reference10 articles.

1. V. Bayramyan, H. Hakopian, and S. Toroyan, “A simple proof of the Gasca-Maeztu conjecture for n = 4”, Jaen J. Approx., 7 (1), 137 -– 147 (2015).

2. C. de Boor, “Multivariate polynomial interpolation: conjectures concerning GC sets”, Numer. Algorithms, 45, 113 – 125 (2007).

3. J. R. Busch, “A note on Lagrange interpolation in R2 ”, Rev. Un. Mat. Argentina, 36, 33 – 38 (1990).

4. J. M. Carnicer and M. Gasca, “A conjecture on multivariate polynomial interpolation”, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas F´is. Nat. (Esp.), Ser. A Mat., 95, 145 – 153 (2001).

5. K. C. Chung and T. H. Yao, “On lattices admitting unique Lagrange interpolations”, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 14, 735 – 743 (1977).








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