Запутанные состояния поля в процессе невырожденного параметрического распада в оптическом резонаторе


Геворгян С. Т., ,Геворгян М. С.,


For the process of non-degenerate parametric decay in an optical cavity, where a photon with energy ћ3 decays into two photons with energies ћ2 and ћ1, where ћ3 = ћ2 + ћ1, the possibility of formation of entangled field states in terms of photon number variables between interacting modes of the optical system is investigated. It is shown that strongly entangled states are obtained between the modes with frequencies 2 and 1 in the case of strong coupling between interacting modes. In the case of weak and very strong coupling between these modes, relatively weak entangled states are formed. In the case of weak coupling, these modes are localized in entangled vacuum states with low values of quantum entropy. For modes with frequencies 3 and 1 entangled states are formed only in the case of strong coupling.


National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia

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