Метод и результаты выделения линейных форм рельефа по данным анализа ЦМР на примере левобережья бассейна среднего течения реки Аракс


Авакян А. А., ,Улоян А. Р.,Бойнагрян В. Р.,Тарасян Н. А., , ,


The article describes the method developed by the authors for revealing Earth surface regional linear morphological features (morphographic lineaments) by morphometric analysis of a digital elevation model (DEM). It also presents the results of the method application on the territory of Armenia in the Araks river basin. The method is based on the experience of a large number of studies devoted to this issue and includes the following successively performed procedures: 1) revealing of Earth surface linear features by formal morphometric indices extracted from the DEM, mainly based on the analysis of slope and aspect maps; 2) geomorphological identification of the revealed linear elements or their definition as real linear landforms; 3) structural identification of the revealed linear landforms, i.e. proving their identity with morphostructures according to geological features – their coincidence with the spatial localization of the epicenters of the historical earthquakes, ore deposits, mineral water springs, as well as the consistency of the identified morphostructures with the data of previously published articles and maps.


National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia

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