Հակավիրուսային դեղերի նկատմամբ սպառողների նախընտրությունների վերլուծությունը


Բեգլարյան Մ. Հ., ,Նազարյան Լ. Գ.,Բարսեղյան Ա․ Բ․, ,


In modern medicine, antiviral drugs are recommended for the treatment and prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections. The group of antiviral drugs needs to be expanded taking into account the epidemic situation around the world. When choosing medicines from desirable pharmacological group, consumers not only pay attention to indications, but also drug safety, efficacy, price, expiration date, side effects, contraindications, etc. The aim of the work is to study and evaluate some factors influencing the preference of antiviral drugs in the pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Armenia. This is a descriptive cross sectional sociological research conducted in Yerevan during 2020. The study was carried out among 285 pharmacy employees selected randomly and involved to participate. Number of questionnaires was determined by The Survey System Version 11.0. taking into account the number of the drugstores. Data obtained as a result of surveys were registered in statistical SPSS software package (version 12.0). It had been revealed that about 49% of the participants graduated from medical college (pharmacists), 34% had a master’s degree and 17% had a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy. According to the research data, the most sold antiviral drugs price fluctuates in the range of 801-2500 AMD (42%) and the most popular dosage form was tablet (51%). Consumers' choice of antiviral drugs was based equally on the price and therapeutic effectiveness of the drug (31%) and the most preferred antiviral drug was the Cagocel (23%). The study showed that pharmaceutical companies could expand the range of manufactured and imported antiviral drugs in accordance with consumer preferences, adjust pricing policies and make these drugs more affordable to consumers.


National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia

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