Իսլամական հեղափոխության պահապանների կորպուսի դերն Իրանի քաղաքական համակարգում


Իսախանյան Աննա


The complex political situation created by the Islamic Revolution provided the basis for the creation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps supplements regular Armed Forces by performing functions outside the traditional role of the army, operating separately, and carrying out various operational tasks. The research into this organization indicates that the IRGC that mainly carried out the security of the Khomeini groups has become a powerful structure. It could be said that today the IRGC functions as a broad socio-political and economic institution whose influence extends to all aspects of Iran's political and social life. Today, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is also a corporate unit of Iran's military, intelligence, political, political, ideological, as well as financial and economic institutions. It can also be emphasized that this powerful structure is the backbone of the Islamic Republic of Iran today. According to Ayatollah Montazeri, one of Iran's most influential figures, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is the child of the revolution and is the only body in its kind that has broad religious, political, and military powers.


National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia

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